Bus Past Time Linear Temporal Logic (BusPTLTL) Plugin - FSL

Bus Past Time Linear Temporal Logic (BusPTLTL) Plugin

BusPTLTL is an instance of MOP for monitoring PCI Bus traffic and for PTLTL specifications. This instance is technically unnecessary, since one can simply run BusMOP with PTLTL specifications, which is precisely what the online interface below does. BusPTLTL has, however, conceptual (and potentially theoretical) value; many Bus users prefer to specify properties exclusively as parametric regular patterns. Enter your PTLTL specification in the form below or choose (and modify) one example from the menu - provided examples are also reachable from the menu of the main BusMOP interface. Go to BusMOP for instructions on how download and install it, as well as on how to compile the AspectJ monitors generated below.


This work was supported in part by NSF grant CNS-0720512. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this web-site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.